- Are geniuses born or made? (天才是先天既定还是后天培养?
- In mid-1983 famous commodities trader Richard Dennis was having an ongoing dispute with his long-time friend Bill Eckhardt about whether great traders were born or made. 1983年年中,著名的商品投机家理查德.;丹尼斯与他的老友比尔
- Glass set or made to be set in frames. 镶嵌用玻璃用来镶嵌框架的玻璃
- Are these locally made or made abroad? 这些是本地制的还是国外进口的?
- Large carnivores, as the bear or lion. 大的食肉动物,如熊或狮子
- Relating to or made by projection. 投影的由投影制作的或与其有关的
- Furnished with or made of cords. 用绳索装备或制成的
- The baby will not be born or seen in the entire series. 在这部剧中我们永远不会看到孩子的出生。
- No one is to be neglected or made to feel missed out. 没有人会被怠慢或受到冷落。
- An Asian is a person born or living in Asia. 亚洲人是指出生或居住在亚洲的人。
- The fruit of this plant, eaten fresh or made into preserves. 欧楂果欧楂树的果实,生吃或做成果酱而食
- So you voted for somone you hoped would die.Great scheme.Yeah, these guys are geniuses, alright.Sheesh. 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。
- Terrible ideas are like playground scapegoat, given the right encouragement, they grow up to be geniuses. 坏点子就像操场上的替罪羊,你给它们适当的鼓励,它们会成为天才。
- A way of acting; bearing or behavior. 举止行为的方式; 举止或行为
- There's no denying that many people who are generally considered to be geniuses also have high IQs. 不可否认,一般被认定为天才的很多人也拥有高智商。
- Serving or tending to prepare or make ready; preliminary. 准备性的用作或易于准备的; 预备性的
- Of, relating to, or made from viscose. 粘胶的属于、关于或由粘胶做成的
- Whole effect appears decorous and easy, concise be able to bear or endure look. 整个效果显得高雅大方,简洁耐看。
- Of, relating to, or made of pastel. 粉蜡笔的属于、关于粉蜡笔的,或用粉蜡笔制作的
- He loved soft things, and would often smile at the touch of a soft teddy bear or other soft toy. 他喜欢柔软的东西,在触摸软软的艾德熊和别的柔软的东西时经常露出微笑。